Saturday, July 14, 2007

Healthy Eating Recipes: How To Make Your Recipes Healthier

By Trevor JohnYou've probably got hundreds of recipes in your collection butmaybe not all of them are as healthy as you'd like them to be.Which is likely a shame as there's a good chance that some ofthose recipes are amongst your favorites. How do you go about changing your favorite recipes into onesthat are healthy for you? Even those old family favorites thathave been passed down through the generations. 1. Reduce the amount of fat, sugar and salt in your recipes. You'll be pleasantly surprised just how much you can reduce thelevel of fat, sugar and salt in your recipes without affectingthe taste. If you've cut back too much, it's always possible toadd a little bit more salt at the table. You can reduce theamount of fat by using a non stick pan and an oil spray ratherthan slurping oil into the pan. You can also use a slottedspoon to skim off any excess fat as the recipe cooks. Cuttingdown on sugar will depend on what you're cooking, but it'sgenerally safe to try initially cutting sugar down by a quarter- I doubt you'll notice the difference. Salt is necessary in recipes for bread as otherwise the yeastwon't be able to do it's job. In other recipes, such as crockpots and stews, you should easily be able to reduce the saltyou use by half with very little effect on the final taste. Youmay even find that with an imaginative use of sauces, you caneliminate salt from some of your recipes entirely. Remember that some of the ingredients you use may contain salt,sugar or fat. Read the labels and substitute as necessary. Butdon't just blindly add a low fat option without checking thatthe manufacturer hasn't simply substituted sugar for fat. 2. Make Healthy Substitutions As well as examining labels, look for ways to increase thenutrition in the food you eat. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice,whole grain cereals. All of these are easy substitutes and willlikely enhance the taste of the dish you are cooking - they haveless of the original product removed in the manufacturingprocess, which leaves more taste available for you. 3. If possible, delete an unhealthy ingredient Many recipes react well to variations (you may even findalternatives listed at the end of the recipe). Substitutefrosted ingredients for un-frosted ones to cut down on sugar,for instance. Be careful with adding nuts to a dish as they arehigh in fat (although the fat is usually considered "good" fat,so don't cut them out entirely). Let your family and guests addtheir own toppings such a mayonnaise and sauces. Considersubstituting lower salt, fat and sugar versions of thesesauces. And don't squeeze that maple syrup quite as hard thenext time you eat a stack of pancakes! Once you start converting your recipes, you'll become moreimaginative and will have a good idea on what is working andwhat isn't Keep a notebook handy so that you can remember thesuccesses and adjust the times when the changes you madeweren't as successful as you'd have liked.About the Author: Treat your children and family to a batch ofspecially designed healthy recipes that are easy to make andhave all been taste tested athttp://healthy-eating-for-kids.comSource:

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Can The Cabbage Soup Diet Help You Lose Weight ?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is different and a little extreme, atleast at the start. Here are all the details and a new cabbagesoup diet pill announcement at the end of this article. In the world today, there are millions of people who areoverweight. Obesity is on the rise, and many people are lookingfor a way to shed a few unwanted pounds quickly. There are many methods that those who want to loose weight canuse, one being dieting. There are thousands of diets on the market today, one of theoldest being the cabbage soup diet. Those who choose to usethis diet plan should be prepared for an extremely strict dietregime. There are many different recipes for cabbage soup, however theclassic recipe includes cabbage, onions, peppers, garlic,celery, mushroom, carrots, and tomatoes simmered in vegetablestock. This unusual diet allows you to eat as much cabbage soup as youwant throughout each day. Adding various fruits and vegetable onassigned days is the only variation to the menu. The only drinksthat are allowed on program are water, unsweetened fruit juiceon the days that fruit is assigned. Skim milk is allowed; onthe days that it is assigned, and black coffee and plain tea. Here's the scoop on how this eating plan is structured: Day one of the cabbage soup diet allows you to add as muchfruit as you want to the menu with the exception of bananas. Day two allows you to add vegetables to the menu, including onebaked potato with a small amount of butter. Day three allows you to add fruits and vegetables to the menu.However, potatoes and bananas are to be excluded. Don't give upjust yet. Day four of the cabbage soup experience allows you to add eightbananas to your menu, and as much skim milk as you want. Day five is a treat and a relief. You are allowed to add up totwenty ounces of beef to the menu and six tomatos. Day six of this weight loss program allows you to add as muchbeef and vegetables as you like to the menu with the exceptionof potatoes. Day seven allows you to add brown rice and vegetables with theexception of potatoes and unsweetened fruit juice to the menu. It is important that you remember to spread the menu allowancesthroughout the day. Do not have all of them all for just onemeal. It is also important to remember that this particular soup dietplan is meant to be used for only seven days. Using it anylonger can lead to serious health problems. There has been a great controversy in the medical communityregarding the cabbage soup diet. Some experts feel that thisdiet may be harmful to some people. Therefore, it cautionshould be used when considering this diet. Obvioulsy, it is not recommended for everyone. It is crucialthat you consult your physician before starting the cabbagesoup diet to rule out any underlying health problems. Yourdoctor will advise you if this is the right diet for you.About The Author: Ken Black is the owner of Visit us to learn moreabout healthy weight loss.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Difference In Bodybuilding For Women

When we think of bodybuilders, we often automatically think ofmen with large, sculpted muscles competing for titles. But whenit comes to the sport of bodybuilding, women have taken a largerrole than ever working to build their own muscles and competeon the same level as the men. Subsequently, bodybuilding forwomen has become increasingly popular for participants and fansalike. Bodybuilding is significantly easier for men than it is forwomen based on one simple fact; the hormone testosterone isresponsible for the building of muscle in our bodies. And whileboth men and women have levels of testosterone in their bodies,men have significantly higher levels. Therefore, the ability tobuild muscle comes much easier to men. Bodybuilding for womencan be more difficult but the results are just as spectacular. Whether taking on the sport as a hobby or in order toparticipate in competition, bodybuilding for women can be aterrific way for women to achieve optimum fitness andnutrition. And for a gender that is often held to higherstandards for physical appearance, bodybuilding allows women torevel in their physical power as well as their femininity. Bodybuilding for women just like bodybuilding for men requires a strong commitment to diet and exercise. For mostwomen this means a weekly workout routine that combinescardiovascular exercise, core work, and weight training. But,unfortunately, when it comes to this sport some women, in aneffort to increase the levels of testosterone in their body andthus increase their ability to build muscle, will turn toanabolic steroids to enhance their performance. The effects ofsteroid use can be disastrous on many levels and result in abevy of physical repercussions including hair loss, acne,muscle weakness, high blood pressure, and, in some cases, thetaking on of male physical characteristics. Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to bodybuilding forwomen is that intense workouts and dieting will significantlyreduce the body fat percentage in a woman's body. While thiscan be beneficial to a certain extent, body fat shouldordinarily be kept at balanced levels in order to maintain ahealthy lifestyle. Dangerously low body fat can result in aloss of the menstrual cycle and a number of physicalmanifestations. Bodybuilding for women done safely - can result inbeautifully sculpted muscles and overall physical health afantastic reward for hard work and sacrifice.About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth informationabout bodybuilding for women visit our ezGuide 2

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Acne Treatments That Work For You Now Naturally

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem. By their mid-teens, nearly 35% of teenagers have acne severe enough to require some type of treatment from a medical professional. Many people needlessly suffer from acne because of a lack of knowledge or understanding. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still suffer from acne. People of all races and ages have acne. Understanding that hormones may have some influence on the cause of acne is still being researched. Check your shampoo to make sure it isn't causing pimples or other breakouts on your forehead. Experts just can't agree on what causes acne. Raw apple cider vinegar application to the skin is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes. Make sure to stay out of the sun if you're taking any acne medications. Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep.Coconut oil is very inexpensive; it's a good, cheap, natural home remedy. Any makeup you use should list on the label non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic. It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition.No over-the-counter creams can help your acne from the inside out; they can only kill some of the bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness. When you wash your face use a soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin. Too many chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils and the skin will overproduce oil to compensate for it, blocking your pores and causing more acne.Acne and its treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. Try not to touch your affected skin to eliminate possible contamination. This is a little messy but you can try making a paste by mixing three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together and applying the paste on your pimples at bedtime for two weeks, and wash it off each morning; honey has anti-bacterial action - a cheap, natural home remedy.Try relaxation techniques to reduce stress, including meditation and yoga breathing exercises. Use exercise such as Yoga and Tai Chi to improve blood flow to the skin and support the healing process; it also boosts the condition of your internal organs which allows them to eliminate toxins more effectively.Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too. When you change your diet, your lesions should start getting better within a week or two, with significant improvement the first month. Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruit to the diet has helped many people clear their skin up; there are tons of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits. Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne. When the skin is dehydrated, dead skin cells remain on the skin which may block pores and promote acne; drink plenty of water. Drink freshly extracted carrot juice, if you can, every day; carrot juice is an excellent cleanser for the liver, great for the skin and contains tons of nutrients, all beneficial for acne. For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds into raw applesauce, from two to three apples, made in your food processor. The two most common digestive concerns that affect your skin are not enough water and not enough fiber. Good nutrition will help your skin from the inside out. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances. With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. One should always think about cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems.For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s specializing in acne, pimples, and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Healthy Food Can Taste Good

We are encouraged to eat a high fiber, low fat diet to supportgood health. But often, high fiber is equated with cardboardcrackers and chalky powders. Experts in the natural foodsarena are often asked if there will ever be a diet consistingof healthy food that actually tastes good! In fact, most of usassume that if it tastes good, it couldn't be good for us. This is often the case for individuals who eat whatnutritionists refer to as, `The Standard American Diet." (Alsoknown as the S.A.D. diet.) Their bodies are accustomed to thehigh fat and high sugar taste of dishes like noodles, cheeseand pie. Fortunately, healthy foods, when prepared correctly,can hit the spot for even the pickiest individuals. Taste is something that goes back to our early days of learningabout food, don't you think? We are familiar with the tastes andmouth feel of our favorite dishes. Think about how a bowl of hotoatmeal with milk reminds you of home, or how chocolate cupcakescall to mind birthday parties with your best friends. Tastes can also have a less than positive memory attached. Iremember being a kid during the 1970s, when my mom would bringhome take out from a local health food store. I used to lovethe vegetarian quiche & mashed potatoes, but one dish inparticular was a sprout salad with seeds and raw cabbage. Thismeal often smelled like sulfur, bitter curry and pepperseasonings. To this day, if someone offers me curry, the smelltakes me back to that dish! I think that is one reason I'venever been a fan of sprout salad, and I still don't LOVE curry,or raw cabbage. But I've learned that I can introduce new flavors andingredients if I take the time to learn how to prepare them ina way that is both attractive and tasty. By reading cookbooks Itaught myself how to lightly steam my cabbage, and apply bits ofcurry to lean chicken and stir-fried mung bean sprouts. This isnow a favorite dish of mine, and it is both low in fat and highin nutrients. It definitely takes time for taste buds to change. Until then,eat the healthy foods that you do like, and that you do enjoy.To get the 25-30 grams of fiber per day recommended by theAmerican Dietetic Association, fill your plate with fresh ripefruits and veggies of bright colors. Learn how to incorporatewhole grains in the form of pasta and bread to your meals.These things will cleanse your palate, and open your taste budswide. In time things will taste all together different.About The Author: Cassandra Cox is a 10-year veteran of thenatural products industry. Having received her credentials asboth a Nutritional Consultant and Digestive Care Specialist,she passionate about nutrition and optimum digestive care.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weight Loss Little Changes That Bring In Big Results

You probably are feeling overwhelmed by how to get back to yourdesired weight if you are struggling with weight loss. You mayachieve results much faster than you think by taking littlesteps towards your goal. Most people give up and continue theirsedentary lifestyles and eating the wrong types of foods becausethey feel it is impossible to get back in shape. But by staringwith little or baby steps and you might surprise yourself atwhat a difference it can make in losing weight. The body needs to speed up its metabolism in order to loseweight. You can achieve this in many ways without thosestrenuous exercises. Getting oxygen to the brain and gettingyour circulation flowing is one thing that speeds up themetabolism. Take five to ten minutes in the morning and dosimple stretches. Breathe out all of the air you have insideyou and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds, if you can. While youare doing this, stretch one arm. Then let the air out. Do thesame with your other arm, your back, and legs and any otherarea of your body you feel like. You will feel great that youwill be stretching your muscles that you didn't even know youhave. Drinking lots of water is also important if you are planning onlosing weight. Start with 4 glasses a day if you are not used todrinking water. It is recommended that we drink 64 oz of water aday. But this might take some time to work up to that. If youstart small you can work yourself up to more as you see fit. What is vital to weight loss is eating the right kind of foods.Eating these foods ate certain intervals during the day; yourfood will become fuel that burns instead of becoming stored upfat. You may see a remarkable improvement of weight loss whenyou alternate certain foods during the day. The results aretruly amazing and it is so easy. Little weight loss tricks that can bring incredible results arevery simple. The important thing is to do something each day nomatter how insignificant it may seem. You will have so muchmore energy and notice a tremendous change in your overallhealth and well being in following these steps.About The Author: If you like this article, you might also likemy other must-read weight loss articles at - See You There!