Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Acne Treatments That Work For You Now Naturally

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem. By their mid-teens, nearly 35% of teenagers have acne severe enough to require some type of treatment from a medical professional. Many people needlessly suffer from acne because of a lack of knowledge or understanding. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still suffer from acne. People of all races and ages have acne. Understanding that hormones may have some influence on the cause of acne is still being researched. Check your shampoo to make sure it isn't causing pimples or other breakouts on your forehead. Experts just can't agree on what causes acne. Raw apple cider vinegar application to the skin is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes. Make sure to stay out of the sun if you're taking any acne medications. Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep.Coconut oil is very inexpensive; it's a good, cheap, natural home remedy. Any makeup you use should list on the label non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic. It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition.No over-the-counter creams can help your acne from the inside out; they can only kill some of the bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness. When you wash your face use a soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin. Too many chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils and the skin will overproduce oil to compensate for it, blocking your pores and causing more acne.Acne and its treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. Try not to touch your affected skin to eliminate possible contamination. This is a little messy but you can try making a paste by mixing three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together and applying the paste on your pimples at bedtime for two weeks, and wash it off each morning; honey has anti-bacterial action - a cheap, natural home remedy.Try relaxation techniques to reduce stress, including meditation and yoga breathing exercises. Use exercise such as Yoga and Tai Chi to improve blood flow to the skin and support the healing process; it also boosts the condition of your internal organs which allows them to eliminate toxins more effectively.Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too. When you change your diet, your lesions should start getting better within a week or two, with significant improvement the first month. Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruit to the diet has helped many people clear their skin up; there are tons of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits. Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne. When the skin is dehydrated, dead skin cells remain on the skin which may block pores and promote acne; drink plenty of water. Drink freshly extracted carrot juice, if you can, every day; carrot juice is an excellent cleanser for the liver, great for the skin and contains tons of nutrients, all beneficial for acne. For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds into raw applesauce, from two to three apples, made in your food processor. The two most common digestive concerns that affect your skin are not enough water and not enough fiber. Good nutrition will help your skin from the inside out. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances. With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. One should always think about cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems.For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s http://www.Best-Skin-Solutions.com specializing in acne, pimples, and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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